The State of Law, One Number One Citizen, Confiscation Execution.Abstract
Implementation of executions in civil cases in the Indonesian legal system hitherto still leaves legal problems, one of which is in the event that Execution Applicant is not aware of the assets is under collateral upon the execution request while Execution Respondent refuse to implement a final and binding court judgment. Therefore, the study aims to further examine concept of One Number One Citizen as a proposed regime. The study wields a normative juridical method with a conceptual approach that aims to explain the importance of the implementation of a new concept of One Number One Citizen in order to support the confiscation execution process. The result obtained that the One Number One Citizen concept was inspired by the Social Security Number policy of the United States, where every citizen has an integrated Population Identification Number managed by the population system of the Ministry of General Affairs that includes, among others: Personal Data, Transactions, Assets, Insurance, Police Records, whole community activities, varying from identification number, tax activities, banking transaction activities, motorized vehicles activities, property registration activities, and so on, that could be implemented through the Execution Respondent for the execution confiscation could be carried out. Recommendation for government also included accordingly.Downloads
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- 2023-01-12 (2)
- 2022-11-29 (1)
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