Law, Banking, Data, CyberAbstract
Cyber crime or cyber crime is basically an impact of technological developments that have changed the habit of the community that was originally conventional into a more modern habits or can be called a high technology society. This change of habit has resulted in a crime with the use of electronic devices as a crime medium. The main factor that resulted in the switching of these habits is the development of information technology combined with communication media and computer technology, which then produces a new device called Internet. The emergence of the Internet has resulted in a new interaction pattern in the life of society, which initially more real (real) changed into patterns of interaction masayakat which can be said to be virtual Keywords: Bank, Data Theft, Cyber.PERTANGGUNGJAWABAN LEMBAGA PERBANKAN TERHADAP PENCURIAN DATA NASABAHDownloads
Buku-Buku dan Literature :
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Jurnal :
Annisa Aprilia WD, Paramita Prananingtyas, Budiharto, Tanggung Jawab Bank Penerbit (card issuer) terhadap Kerugian Nasabah kartu Kredit Akibat Pencurian Data (carding) Dalam Kegiatan Transaksi, Diponegoro Law Journal Vol 6. No. 2, 2017
Johannes ibrahim, pertanggungjawaban pidana bank dalam pelanggaran kegiatan operasional didasarkan pada undang-undang nomor 10 tahun 1998, Jurnal dialogia Maranatha, Vol 7 No 2 April 2016.
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Peraturan dan Perundang-Undangan :
Undang-Undang Nomor 7 Tahun 1992 jo Undang-Undang Nomor 10 Tahun 1998 tentang Perbankan
Undang-Undang Nomor 19 Tahun 2016 tentang Informasi dan Transaski Elektrnik.