Jurnal Akuntansi  (p-ISSN: 2085-8696 an e-ISSN: 2598-4997) is published by Program Studi Akuntansi Fakultas Bisnis Universitas Kristen Maranatha. It is published twice a year in May and November. Jurnal Akuntansi is an open-access. Accepted journals are available for online download. All articles have a DOI number. We accept mainly research-based articles related to accounting science, accounting practices, and the accounting profession. The scopes of the topics include (1) Management Accounting, (2) Taxation, (3) Financial Accounting, (4) Public Sector Accounting, (5) Accounting Education (6) Information Systems, (7) Auditing, (8) Professional Ethics, (9) Sharia Accounting, (10) Accounting Information Technology. Editorial Team welcome submissions of papers describing researchers, practitioners, regulators, students, and other parties interested in the development of accounting science, accounting practices, and the accounting profession. Starting in 2024, the Accounting Journal accepts manuscripts of both quantitative research, qualitative research, and mixed methods research, written in English.

Jurnal Akuntansi is classified as Sinta 4 Journal
Sertifikat Sinta 4

ISSN : 2085-8698 | e-ISSN: 2598-4977 

Jurnal Akuntansi Now Indexed in DOAJ


We are pleased to announce that as of September 25, 2024, Jurnal Akuntansi (Maranatha Christian University) has been officially indexed in the Directory of Open Access Journal (DOAJ). This inclusion reflects the journal's commitment to maintaining high standards of quality and transparency in academic publishing. Sincerely,Editorial Team

Articles Publish in English starting from Vol. 16, No. 1, May 2024


Dear Researcher and academician, We are excited to announce that the Accounting Journal of Maranatha Christian University will be publishing articles in English starting from Volume 16, scheduled for release in May 2024. We look forward to contributing valuable insights to the international academic community.This strategic shift aims to enhance the global reach and impact of the research conducted within our academic community. We encourage all contributors to prepare and submit their articles in English to be part of this exciting initiative. This change reflects our commitment to fostering international collaboration and sharing valuable insights on accounting practices. Looking forward to your continued support and outstanding contributions.

Vol. 16 No. 1 (2024): Vol 16 No 1 (2024)

Published: 2024-05-01

Ethic Code and Internal Audit Quality

Riza Nurfidia Febrianti, Lia Uzliawaty, E. Munawar Muchlish


Contribution of Lecturers Attributes in Distance Education Accounting Science in Higher Education

Hanny Hanny, Nunik Lestari Dewi , Sinta Setiana, Aura Regia Crystalin


Political Connections and Tax Avoidance

Sherin Tjahyadi, Verani Carolina


Implementation of SAK E-MKM: Key Factor in Improving MSME Performance

Aris Setiawan, Wilda Sari, Ali Afif, Rizki Fakhrul Yahya, Rina Mayasafitri


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