Jurnal Teknik Sipil <p>Jurnal Teknik Sipil is an <strong>open access</strong> and peer reviewed scientific journal majoring in civil engineering at Universitas Kristen Maranatha which is published twice a year in April and October. First published in October 2003. The purpose of publication is as a forum for scientific communication and also to disseminate research results, study literature in the field of civil engineering or related sciences.</p> <p>Each submitted article will be processed through the similarity check stage (maximum 20% similarity), the review stage, the copyediting stage, to the publication stage. Every article published in our journal is free of publication fees.</p> <p>Jurnal Teknik Sipil accredited <a href="https://sinta3.kemdikbud.go.id/journals/profile/481">SINTA 4</a> based on the <a href="https://maranathaedu-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/jurnal_ts_eng_maranatha_edu/EWNZSxLNNzdCsNqVKWCbHh8B1JgqKZ0ZFV9gWYOfJF_EJA?e=ZIAdMp">Decree of the Director General of Higher Education, Research, and Technology Number 158/E/KPT/2021</a> (certificate).<br /><br />e-ISSN: <a href="https://portal.issn.org/resource/ISSN/2549-7219" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2549-7219</a> ; p-ISSN: <a href="https://portal.issn.org/resource/ISSN/1411-9331" target="_blank" rel="noopener">1411-9331</a></p> <p> </p> Universitas Kristen Maranatha en-US Jurnal Teknik Sipil 1411-9331 Cover & Editorial Page Volume 20 Issue 2 Oktober 2024 Jurnal Teknik Sipil Universitas Kristen Maranatha Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Teknik Sipil Universitas Kristen Maranatha https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2024-10-01 2024-10-01 20 2 10.28932/jts.v20i2.10067 Optimizing the Scheduling of PT.X Office Project with Finance-Based Scheduling Concept and Metaheuristic Method <p><em>Contractors need to pay attention to the financial condition of the company so that the availability of funds to carry out profitable construction operations can be fulfilled. Construction projects require substantial funds, so contractors often utilize bank loan systems. A finance-based scheduling concept is needed to combine scheduling and funding in construction projects. This research seeks to optimize finance-based scheduling with the goal of minimizing interest on contractor loans. The optimization method used is the metaheuristic algorithm Symbiotic Organisms Search (SOS), and the case study used is the construction project of PT.X office building in Surabaya with the aim of providing alternative scheduling scenarios to contractors. The optimization process involves shifting the start time of activities (shift value) to generate new schedules. The results of the optimization process in three payment scenarios were able to produce smaller interest burdens on contractor loans. Additionally, after the optimization process, the contractor's largest loan also decreased, meeting the credit limit set by the bank. The best alternative scenario choices are scenarios 1 and 3, which result in the highest decrease in loan interest burden and the largest decrease in loan amount.</em></p> Ambrosius Matthew Junius Reynaldo Doddy Prayogo Richard Christian Thendean Imannuel Michraga Freando Copyright (c) 2024 Ambrosius Matthew Junius Reynaldo, Doddy Prayogo, Richard Christian Thendean, Imannuel Michraga Freando https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2024-10-01 2024-10-01 20 2 191 208 10.28932/jts.v20i2.8445 Analysis Of Value Engineering for Architectural Work Cost Savings in The South Tangerang Apartment X Project <p><em>The demand for housing among the population is substantial, leading to the challenge of insufficient land area for construction. We construct residential developments horizontally to address this issue. However, the construction costs associated with this approach are significantly higher. As a result, there is a need for various efforts to optimize construction costs, and one such initiative involves the application of value engineering methods. The X Apartment Project in South Tangerang, with a construction value of Rp. 203,204,569,971, is the focus of this study. Based on the significant value of the development, this study seeks to estimate cost savings through value engineering analysis, particularly in the area of architectural work. This research method has four stages, namely the information stage, the speculation stage, the analysis stage, and the presentation stage. The observations lasted one month and were conducted using a questionnaire instrument. The Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) method provides an alternative decision-making system. This study demonstrates that the application of value engineering reduced the initial cost of Rp. 203,204,569,971 to Rp. 201,685,400,449, with a reduction of 0.75% in window work (J1), glass door work (PL1), door work (PD1), light brick wall work, and homogenous tile KR2B floor tile work.</em></p> Muhammad Mahesa Ramadhan Marisa Wahyu Kurniasari Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Mahesa Ramadhan, Marisa Wahyu Kurniasari https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2024-10-01 2024-10-01 20 2 209 223 10.28932/jts.v20i2.6202 The Economic feasibility study of Kertek Ring Road in Wonosobo, Central Java <p><em>The topography of Wonosobo District affects the geometric condition of roads in areas of the district. Some areas in Wonosobo Regency are hills and mountains, so there is a downhill road for ± 9 km. This road connects Parakan Sub-district in Temanggung Regency with Kertek Sub-district in Wonosobo Regency. This route is prone to traffic accidents, resulting in many casualties and material casualties. This study was conducted based on the economic benefit value of the new road construction. The Benefit Cost Ratio and Net Present Value analyses were conducted by considering vehicle operating costs, time value, and reduction in traffic accidents. The analysis results show that in scenario I, the savings in vehicle operating costs are Rp 1,439,473,846,994, and in scenario II, Rp 1,524,871,315,937. In scenario I, the benefit cost ratio value is 1.66 with an NPV of Rp 385,588,148,902, and in scenario II, it is 1.68 with a net present value of Rp 395,171,651,336. The economic feasibility analysis results show that the Kertek Wonosobo Ring Road is viable to build.</em></p> Ayu Pranedya Usmany Wimpy Santosa Copyright (c) 2024 Ayu Pranedya Usmany, Wimpy Santosa https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2024-10-01 2024-10-01 20 2 224 240 10.28932/jts.v20i2.7458 Utilization of Kaplan Turbine with Variation of Water Discharge of Ciparay River in Stamplat Girang Village, Indragiri Village <p><em>Stamplat Girang Village has quite large potential for developing micro-hydro power plants using Kaplan turbines, considering the hilly topography and the presence of the Ciparay river. The Ciparay River has quite a large water flow throughout the year. The main objective of this research is the use of the Kaplan Turbine with variations in Ciparay river water discharge. Measurements of water flow velocity and cross-section of the Ciparay river were carried out directly in low rainfall conditions and in high rainfall conditions. The average water flow of the Ciparay river is lowest at low rainfall at 0.22 m3/s and highest at high rainfall at 1.46 m3/s. With an energy height of 2 m, the effective electrical power produced is 6,592 watts in low rainfall conditions and the highest produced is 18,098 watts in high rainfall conditions. The effective electrical power obtained can be directly beneficial to various aspects of the regional government's efforts to assist the development of Stamplat Girang Village in empowerment and environmental development as well as supporting the Indonesian government's efforts to encourage the development of micro hydro energy in achieving sustainable development goals.</em></p> Tri Octaviani Sihombing Olga Catherina Pattipawaej Copyright (c) 2024 Tri Octaviani Sihombing, Olga Catherina Pattipawaej https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2024-10-01 2024-10-01 20 2 241 254 10.28932/jts.v20i2.7282 Implementation Of Life Cycle Cost in The Bus Station Building <p><em>With the increase in existing development, of course, there must be consideration of careful cost planning to support planning, use, and the end of the building service period, particularly in the building industry. The use of the LCC method in estimation is one part of estimating the service life. Both qualitative and quantitative methodologies were used in this investigation.. The research refers to the terminal development project, and takes a sample of the building which is the focus of the research. The Budget Plan, containing each of its elements, is also the foundation of the research. The building's service life is then estimated and considered to be 25 years of operation., the resulting life cycle cost is Rp. 20,499,410,364, - The largest cost during the service life of the building is 25 years, which is found in operational costs Rp. 9,302,325,418 (40.86%), the initial cost is Rp. .7,769,441,715 (34.12%), maintenance costs Rp. 2,312,949,413 (10.16%), replacement cost Rp.2,249,032,308 (9.88%) and salvage value Rp.1,134,338,490 (4.98%). </em></p> Divan Yoan Alvino Damanik Copyright (c) 2024 Divan Yoan Alvino Damanik https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2024-10-01 2024-10-01 20 2 255–270 255–270 10.28932/jts.v20i2.6382 Method to Increase the Durability of Concrete Which is Exposed to Chloride and Sulfate Using Silica Fume, Type II Cement and Protective Coatings <p><em>The durability of concrete material is affected by the environment. Extreme environments that affect the concrete are environments with high chloride and sulfate levels. The most commonly used concrete protection methods are silica fume, type II cement and protective coatings. The tests are carried out included: testing for chloride content, testing on chloride infiltration, visual analysis and testing for changes of length. The specimens was made in 4 variations namely; specimens with type I cement without protection, specimens with type I cement with a protective coating, specimens with type I cement with the addition of silica fume, specimens with type II cement without protection. The specimens were immersed in a solution of chloride and sulfate for 14 days, 28 days, 42 days and 56 days. The results showed that silica fume in type I cement could increase the durability of concrete against chloride but not against sulfates, protective coating could increase the durability of concrete against chloride and sulfates, type II cement could increase the durability of concrete against sulfates but not against metals.</em></p> Agus Sulaeman Yudi Herdiansah Anto Destianto Copyright (c) 2024 Agus Sulaeman, Yudi Herdiansah, Anto Destianto https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2024-10-01 2024-10-01 20 2 271 285 10.28932/jts.v20i2.6418 Evaluation of Reinforcing Bar Detailing Work in Reinforced Concrete Structural Components for Simple House Construction in the Bandung Regency Area <p><em>When carrying out a simple house construction project, it is crucial to assess the implementation of reinforcing bar detailing for reinforced concrete structural components, as field errors often occur. Inaccuracies in the installation of such reinforcing bar detailing can lead to a decrease in the quality of the house, affecting its earthquake resistance. Based on this, the installation of reinforcing bar detailing must adhere to the applicable standards, namely SNI 2847-2019, SNI 8900-2020, and guidelines issued by the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing. The evaluation of the construction is obtained through a literature review method in line with field case studies. Field observations result in a depiction of errors in the reinforcing bar detailing, such as foundation cutting errors, incorrect stirrup spacing, stirrup bending errors, and the length of reinforcing bar placement in structural elements. Therefore, the reinforcing bar detailing work must be redone and reorganized according to the prevailing standards.</em></p> Johanna Gunawan Anang Kristianto Copyright (c) 2024 Johanna Gunawan, Anang Kristianto https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2024-10-01 2024-10-01 20 2 286 301 10.28932/jts.v20i2.6882 Study of the drainage system evaluation for waterlogging on the Malangbong-Wado Road Section, Garut <p><em>Heavy rainfall causes drainage channels to handle excess water. Puddles and flooding often occur on the 50-meter section of Malangbong-Wado Road, necessitating an evaluation to ensure the drainage system is functioning properly. This research employs a quantitative approach, processing rainfall through a frequency distribution and testing it using the Chi-Quadrat and Smirnov-Kolmogorov methods. The rational method calculated the rainfall intensity and determined the five-year return period for flood discharge. The analysis results indicate that the drainage channel is unable to accommodate the planned discharge, necessitating an evaluation to ensure that the channel Q (Qs) exceeds the planned Q (Qr) or Qs &gt;Qr. The average channel Q value was 2.51 m3/second, and the plan Q was 1.50 m3/second, according to the results. Thus, the channel, with dimensions of 0.8 meters wide and 1.00 meters high, can accommodate the discharge plan. Simulation results using SWMM V5.1 software demonstrate that channels with these dimensions can accommodate discharge plans.</em></p> Adi Fitriyadi Sulwan Permana Copyright (c) 2024 Adi Fitriyadi, Sulwan Permana https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2024-10-01 2024-10-01 20 2 302 317 10.28932/jts.v20i2.7367 Probability of Choosing Bus and Train Public Transportation <p><em>The reactivation of Garut train station offers a transportation alternative for Garut Regency residents, with a focus on enhancing mobility and boosting tourism. While the railway station has been reactivated, several factors come into play when people choose between buses and trains for public transportation. This study involved a random sample of the entire population and employed quantitative research methods, including multiple linear regression, to analyze various variables. The characteristics of travelers in the study are primarily women aged 21-25, with a monthly income between Rp. 2,000,000 and Rp. 4,000,000, working in the private sector, holding high school diplomas, traveling less than five times, preferring buses, and considering travel time. Factors influencing the choice between buses and trains include cost (X1), travel time (X2), and mode availability (X4). Multiple linear regression results yielded the equation Y = -2.008 (a) + 0.266 (X1) + 0.158 (X2) + 0.378 (X3) + 0.405 (X4). This data was further utilized in a binary logit model to determine the probability values of alternative public transport choices, revealing a 72% probability of choosing the bus and a 28% probability of selecting the train.</em></p> Reza Fauzabil Rizki Ida Farida Copyright (c) 2024 Reza Fauzabil Rizki, Ida Farida https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2024-10-01 2024-10-01 20 2 318–334 318–334 10.28932/jts.v20i2.7312 The Assessment of Water Quality from Springs as Raw Water Source for Drinking Water in Singosari District Malang Regency <p><em>Some residents in the Singosari District, Malang Regency use the potential of springs as raw water for drinking water. One of the main aspects that must be considered in exploiting the potential of springs is the feasibility of the quality of the water. The quality of the water used by residents is not necessarily identified. This research was carried out with the aim of providing an assessment of the feasibility of water quality from springs as a source of raw water for drinking water. The object of this research was 12 springs spread across the Singosari District. Physico-chemical parameters used as the basis for assessing water quality include pH, TDS, nitrate (NO<sub>3</sub><sup>–</sup>), turbidity, iron (Fe), chloride (Cl<sup>–</sup>), manganese (Mn), sulfate (SO<sub>4</sub><sup>2–</sup>), ammonia (NH<sub>3</sub>), and sodium (Na<sup>+</sup>). The water quality from springs is assessed by using a water quality index model. The water quality index value of the springs studied has a range of 8.80</em> <em>–</em> <em>41.13. There are 10 springs with very good water quality category and 2 springs with good water quality category.</em></p> Hari Siswoyo Riyanto Haribowo Ni Luh Putri Prabandari Veronika Yulia Permata Joko Kurniawan Copyright (c) 2024 Hari Siswoyo, Riyanto Haribowo, Ni Luh Putri Prabandari, Veronika Yulia Permata, Joko Kurniawan https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2024-10-01 2024-10-01 20 2 335 347 10.28932/jts.v20i2.6006 Analysis of Flood Control Strategies with Water Conservation Efforts Using AHP <p><em>)</em><em>. Several areas in Tangerang City and Regency are prone to flooding due to the high rainfall intensity, decreased drainage channel capacity, and reduced infiltration capacity. Water conservation can be an effort made to tackle these issues. This study aims to identify priority alternative measurements of flood control through water conservation implemented in the research area. This study uses a Quantitative Method by collecting data through questionnaires from 50 respondents experts in the fields of Civil Engineering, Urban Planning, Architecture, and Tourism residing in Tangerang City and Regency. The data collected were processed using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) Method to determine the best alternatives for flood control efforts through water conservation. The alternatives for flood control measures include watershed construction, infiltration wells construction, bio pores, naturalization, waste management, and urban forest development. Based on the data analysis, there are three dominant factors triggering floods in research area, namely land misuse, low soil infiltration, and high rainfall. Furthermore, three alternatives with the highest values from AHP Method, namely urban forest development, naturalization, and the construction of infiltration wells with values of 0,249; 0,182, and 0,172 respectively.</em></p> Bella Koes Paulina Cantik Shofwatul Fadilah Wike Andaresta Eka Putri Daffira Ceisya Yourie Agustia Copyright (c) 2024 Bella Koes Paulina Cantik, Shofwatul Fadilah, Wike Andaresta Eka Putri, Daffira Ceisya Yourie Agustia https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2024-10-01 2024-10-01 20 2 348–358 348–358 10.28932/jts.v20i2.7587 Structural Characterization and Grading of Timber Species for Engineering Applicability in Kenya <p>An investigation was carried out in Kakamega County to determine the characteristic grade of eucalyptus and cypress timber species that are commonly used in construction. The physical and mechanical properties of two timber species for structural use; eucalyptus and cypress were determined. Six logs of each species were obtained from different areas of Kakamega County, sliced into 2” by 12” size before seasoning under a shade and their structural strength properties were determined at a moisture content of 12%. These logs were cut into test samples for the determination of their strength properties. A total of 800 samples (100 samples for each test) free from visible defects were used for each species. Basic physical properties of the samples like moisture content and density were determined. Tensile strength, compressive strength parallel the grain, compressive strength perpendicular to the grain, and bending strength were the mechanical strength tests carried out according to Eurocode 5 (1995) and BS 5268 (2002) specifications on Universal Testing Machine (UTM). Results were analyzed statistically using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) while grading was done according to Eurocode 5 (EC5). Cypress was graded into strength class C20 while eucalyptus was graded into strength class D24. Strength class C20 is used in load-bearing structures that require high strength, such as roof trusses and floor systems. D24 is a common structural grade for a variety of structures exposed to high environmental conditions.</p> Christine O. Mutayi Bernadette Sabuni Samuel Waweru Geoffrey Mwasame Copyright (c) 2024 Christine O. Mutayi, Bernadette Sabuni, Samuel Waweru, Geoffrey Mwasame https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2024-10-01 2024-10-01 20 2 359–369 359–369 10.28932/jts.v20i2.8310