Digital Course Application Development Using Multiplatform Framework and Clean Architecture

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Erico Darmawan Handoyo
Sulaeman Santoso
Daniel Jahja Surjawan


The 2020 pandemic taught many people how the digital world can play a big role in life. One area that is affected is the world of learning. Various types of Learning Management Systems (LMS) and learning software were developed. However, many of these learning applications are not designed for one type of learning but to accommodate learning in general. This makes the LMS and software flexible for different types of learning but also makes the system cumbersome and difficult to navigate or manage. Therefore, LMS is generally not appropriate to accommodate learning in a course. A course differs from a formal institution of learning because it is simpler in nature and the needs of its users are also different. This research will design and develop learning software specifically made for digital courses. This software was developed using a multiplatform framework so that it can be used on various platforms.


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E. D. Handoyo, S. Santoso, and D. J. Surjawan, “Digital Course Application Development Using Multiplatform Framework and Clean Architecture”, JuTISI, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 259 –, Aug. 2024.