Published: 2024-08-27

Development of Financial Data Mart for Nonprofit Organization

Susiana Sunjaya, Agata Filiana, Lussy Ernawati, Gloria Virginia

200 – 214

Web-Based Design Order Management System with Design Thinking Method

Louis Godson Sinaga, Meliana Christianti Johan

215 – 228

Digital Course Application Development Using Multiplatform Framework and Clean Architecture

Erico Darmawan Handoyo, Sulaeman Santoso, Daniel Jahja Surjawan

259 – 271

Public Service Responsiveness based on E-Government with Digital Population Identity Innovation

Allgreat Meidelia Clarista Salamena, Andi Wahju Rahardjo Emanuel

285 – 293

The k-anonymity using Simple Distribution of Sensitive Values and Aggregation of Sensitive Values

Widodo Widodo, Muhammad Ficky Duskarnaen, Murien Nugraheni

294 – 302

Design of Tongue Pressure Training Monitoring Application based on Android & Web

Novie Theresia Pasaribu, Derry Renaldy, Erwani Merry Sartika, Wei Lin Che, Febryan Setiawan

303 – 316