Public Service Responsiveness based on E-Government with Digital Population Identity Innovation

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Allgreat Meidelia Clarista Salamena
Andi Wahju Rahardjo Emanuel


This study aims to analyze the service responsiveness at the Population and Civil Registration Office of Ambon City, particularly regarding the implementation of Digital Population Identity (DPI). Public service responsiveness is considered crucial in meeting society's expectations towards technological advancements. The research method applied is qualitative, with data collection through direct observation and interviews at the Population and Civil Registration Office of Ambon City. The research results are expected to provide insights into the service responsiveness of this institution towards the needs and expectations of the community. Thus, this research can offer insights into how the office can enhance its responsiveness to technological changes and societal demands.


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A. M. C. Salamena and A. W. R. . Emanuel, “Public Service Responsiveness based on E-Government with Digital Population Identity Innovation”, JuTISI, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 285 –, Aug. 2024.