Rancang Bangun Edugame "History of Shodanco Supriyadi": Sejarah Perlawanan Pasukan PETA Blitar Terhadap Jepang

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Philips Denny Azarya
Pandi Pandi
Yohannes Yohannes
Yoannita Yoannita


Games are not only for entertainment but games can be a means of learning. Historical subjects are often considered boring and uninteresting lessons because there are no innovations to attract students' curiosity. Therefore, a learning media was created and an introduction to the history of the resistance of the Blitar PETA forces through an adventure edugame. The methodology used is an iteration with three increments, each of which consists of the analysis, design, code, and test phases. The game design uses Unity 3D as a tool. Tests carried out include integration testing, system testing, and acceptance testing. From the results of these tests it was found that the edugame application that had been developed was able to assist students in introducing the history of the resistance figure PETA Blitar named Supriyadi.


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Cara Mengutip
P. D. Azarya, P. Pandi, Y. Yohannes, dan Y. Yoannita, “Rancang Bangun Edugame "History of Shodanco Supriyadi": Sejarah Perlawanan Pasukan PETA Blitar Terhadap Jepang”, JuTISI, vol. 6, no. 1, Apr 2020.

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