Pendeteksi Sampah Metal untuk Daur Ulang Menggunakan Metode Convolutional Neural Network

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Ranti Holiyanti
Sukma Wati
Ikbal Fahmi
Chaerur Rozikin


Waste is part material that has no value within the scope of production. If you no longer need it, metal cans can take about 80 to 200 years to decompose. CNN is part of the supervised learning method that exists in deep learning, where those who have expertise in representing images or images from several categories increase recognition, namely in classifying objects, doing scene recognition, and detecting object detection. In this study, using the CNN method as a development model and applying the ResNet 50 network design, which includes the type Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) that operates by way of working, namely receive an input in the form of an image or images. The input will be carried out by training that is set using the CNN architecture so that later it will produce an output that can recognize objects as expected in knowing the types of cardboard and glass waste. The implementation of this research uses the Python programming language, Anvil, and the TensorFlow and Keras libraries. The system has succeeded in detecting the type of metal waste from general waste and assisting third parties, namely implementing it through the website using Anvil. The input shape for CNN modeling in this study is 512x384 pixels, which has a value of 100 eras, and the data set used contains images of metal waste and general waste found 547 images, resulting in an accuracy of 96%.


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Cara Mengutip
R. Holiyanti, S. Wati, I. Fahmi, dan C. Rozikin, “Pendeteksi Sampah Metal untuk Daur Ulang Menggunakan Metode Convolutional Neural Network”, JuTISI, vol. 8, no. 1, hlm. 261 –, Apr 2022.