The Relationship between Burden of Care and Burnout in Family Caregivers of People with Dementia
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Sample in this research are 40 IWD’s family caregiver in Alzheimer Community. This sample collected using purposive sampling technique. The research instruments were MBI-HSS questionnaire (validity: 0.364-0.832; reliability: 0.91) and ZBI-12 questionnaire (validity: 0.325-0.905; reliability: 0.926). The two questionnaires were modified to fit the participant’s characteristics. Both questionnaires were correlated using correlation test of spearman’s rho with SPSS 23 to find out the relationship between burden of care and burnout.
Based on this test, correlation coefficient score of 0.899 with p=0.00 was achieved. This result shows that there is a significant positive correlation between burden of care and burnout experienced by the family caregiver in the Alzheimer Community. In this research, sex was the only sociodemography variable that correlated with burnout.
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