Positive Ethnic Identity as Mediator Between Ethnic Socialization and Resilience of Chinese-Indonesia Ethnic Family

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Rosyana Lieyanty
Sri Redatin Retno Pudjiati


Family resilience is a positive adaptation that is grown through the functioning of family members. This study aims to determine the role of positive ethnic identity in mediating the relationshop between family racial-ethnic socialization and family resilience in the Chinese-Indonesian early adult group. Participants consisted of 338 individuals aged 17-30 years. The measuring instruments used are the Walsh Family Resilience Questionnaire, Asian American Parental Racial-Ethnic Socialization, and Multidimensional Inventory of Black Identity which were adapted into the context of Chinese-Indonesian ethnicity. The result show that family ethnic-racial socialization affects family resilience directly or indirect through positive ethnic identity mediation. Further research can analyze the intencity of family ethnic-racial socialization to find out how much socialization level is needed to achieve resilience in the family. 


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Lieyanty, R., & Pudjiati, S. R. R. (2022). Positive Ethnic Identity as Mediator Between Ethnic Socialization and Resilience of Chinese-Indonesia Ethnic Family. Humanitas (Jurnal Psikologi), 6(2), 149–160. https://doi.org/10.28932/humanitas.v6i2.4716


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