Correlation between SREBP-1c and Prominent Nucleoli Hepatocytes of Type 2 Diabetic Rat Model Induced by Dietylnitrosamine


  • Wahyuni L Atmadja Faculty of Medicine Pelita Harapan University
  • Erna Kristiani Department of Anatomical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Pelita Harapan, Tangerang 15810, Indonesia
  • Stella Marleen Department of Anatomical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Pelita Harapan, Tangerang 15810, Indonesia
  • Veli Sungono Department of Epidemiology and Statistic, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Pelita Harapan, Tangerang 15810, Indonesia
  • Young Larasati Department of Immunopathology Mochtar Riady Institute for Nanotechnology, Tangerang 15810, Indonesia
  • Kevin Feraldy Department of Anatomical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Pelita Harapan, Tangerang 15810, Indonesia



type 2 DM, diethylnitrosamine, HCC, streptozotocin, Wistar rats


Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) demonstrates relative risk of cirrhosis towards livercancer. Although the relationship between of type 2 diabetic and cirrhotic toward HCC has beensuggested, the association between SREBP-1c and the number of prominent nucleoli hepatocyteshas not clearly explored. This study aims to prove the correlation between those variables byusing male Wistar rat model given fat diet continued with administration of Streptozotocininjections twice in low dosage and an injection of dietylnitrosamine once a week for 10 weeks. Atweek 16, they were sacrificed, the fresh liver tissue was processed for examining the expressionof SREBP-1c, while the fixative paraffin block was sliced and stained with Hematoxylin Eosin tocount the number of prominent nucleoli hepatocytes. The western blotting result demonstratedincreasing level of SREBP-1c in diabetic rat significantly. The liver sections showed nodulesconsisting of pleomorphic cells, inflammatory cells, and prominent nucleoli hepatocytes. Thecorrelation between level of SREBP-1c and total number of prominent nucleoli hepatocytes wasmeasured with non-parametric correlation method statistically. It demonstrated coefficientr=0,435 with p value=0,037. It is concluded that increasing number of prominent nucleolushepatocytes related to enhancing level of SREBP-1c in the process of T2DM towardsHepatocellular Carcinoma.


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Author Biography

Wahyuni L Atmadja, Faculty of Medicine Pelita Harapan University

Nama Lengkap : Prof. Wahyuni Lukita Atmodjo dr., PAK, Ph.D 1. Asal Institusi : Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Pelita Harapan 2. Bidang Ilmu : Anatomi 3. Pendidikan Terakhir : Strata 3 Doktor 4. Jumlah publikasi nasional 3 (tiga) tahun terakhir: (-) 5. Jumlah publikasi internasional 3 (tiga) tahun terakhir: a. Penulis Utama : 3 (tiga) Wahyuni Atmodjo, Darti Wibisono, Graciella Wahjoepramono, George Mathew, 2015. The correlation between activated hepatic stellate cells and neoplastic hepatocytes in the liver of Balb C mice after injection with carcinogen. Hepatol Int (2015) 9 (Suppl 1):S1–S391. DOI 10.1007/s12072-015-9609- Wahyuni Atmodjo, Darti Wibisono, Graciella Wahjoepramono, Clinton, Stella Marleen, George Mathew 2014. Curcuminoids Inhibit the Progression of Liver Carcinogenesis in Balb/C Mice Induced by Diethylnitrosamine. Korean Journal of Internal medicine Vol 29, N0 5, 2014 Wahyuni L. Atmodjo et al. 2013. Chronic hepatitis B Virus Infection in Community Health Centre’s Rural and Urban Area of Tangerang Regency: Prevalence of Serological Markers. Hepatology International Vol.7, Supplement 1, June 2013 b. Penulis Anggota : Graciella Wahjoepramono, 1, Clinton 1, Wahyuni L. Atmodjo1,2, Shirley I. Moningkey1, and George Mathew1, 2 Serologic Profile of Chronic Hepatitis B Infection Prevalence in Rural Areas of Tangerang Regency, Indonesia. Korean Journal of Internal medicine Vol 29, N0 5, 2014


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How to Cite

Atmadja WL, Kristiani E, Marleen S, Sungono V, Larasati Y, Feraldy K. Correlation between SREBP-1c and Prominent Nucleoli Hepatocytes of Type 2 Diabetic Rat Model Induced by Dietylnitrosamine. J. Med. Health [Internet]. 2023Aug.31 [cited 2024Oct.5];5(2):110-22. Available from:


