Determinants of customer loyalty with customer satisfaction as an intervening variable

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Faisal Sholihudin Septi Nuryanto
Surpiko Hapsoro Darpito


This study examines the effect of service quality, price fairness, food quality, and store atmosphere on customer loyalty with customer satisfaction as an intervening variable. Data was collected through a questionnaire survey from 105 Bellywise Jogja customers using purposive sampling techniques. Data analysis was performed with Partial Least Squares (PLS) using SmartPLS 4.0 software. The results showed that: 1) Service quality has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction, 2) Price fairness has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction, 3) Food quality has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction, 4) Store atmosphere has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction, 5) Service quality has a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty by customer satisfaction as an intervening variable, 6) Price fairness has a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty with customer satisfaction as an intervening variable, 7) Food quality has a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty with customer satisfaction as an intervening variable, 8) Store atmosphere has a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty with customer satisfaction as an intervening variable, and 9) customer satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty.


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How to Cite
Nuryanto, F. S. S., & Darpito, S. H. (2024). Determinants of customer loyalty with customer satisfaction as an intervening variable. Jurnal Manajemen Maranatha, 23(2), 185–200.


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