Implementasi Model Timmons dalam pembinaan startup berbasis teknologi pada inkubator bisnis

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Cut Irna Setiawati
Putri Meuthia Pratiwi


In 2013 Indonesia has developed Bandung Techno Park (BTP) as the business incubator and develop Startup Corner (SC) program. SC has four main phrases, such as Registration, Selection through Presentation, Pre Incubation, and Implementing Incubation Process. However, SC has not been maximized in identifying aspects of opportunities, teams and resources. The purpose of this research is to know the role of SC in developing in relation with opportunity, team, and resources aspects. This research used descriptive qualitative method, with Timmons Model approach. The sample of this research is SC members and BTP supervisor by using structural interview with informans. As the results, the role of SC on the dimension of idea has played for product development, business model, and selling price. Market demand dimension is directing customer translation so that can assist in reaching customer opportunity and expanding market reach. Furthermore the role of SC in developing startup of team aspect based on leader dimension and team quality. The SC through training program has purposed to shape the entrepreneurial character during Pre Incubation activities. In creating the quality of the team submitted by setting an advisable work discipline in accordance with the BTP working hours other than that Startup Corner helps in disseminating recruitment information for startup requiring members. The role of SC in developing startup from the aspect of resources has provided physical facilities, then assistance to make the legality of a business entity, patent but there is no funding for the sustainability of a startup, then diverted in incubation or other programs. SC arranges all the sections for startup participants and has a good results but the final maitenance would take effort from the startups itself, because BTP only supports them and building the business model in techonology in short time.


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Cara Mengutip
Setiawati, C. I., & Pratiwi, P. M. (2019). Implementasi Model Timmons dalam pembinaan startup berbasis teknologi pada inkubator bisnis. Jurnal Manajemen Maranatha, 19(1), 35–48.