Correlation Between Self Concept and Toxic Disinhibition Online Effect on University Students Who Use Social Media Instagram

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Ruli Gustian Nugraha
Kristin Rahmani
Efnie Indrianie
Dinta Nurannisa Aliifah


This study aims to determine relationship between self-concept and toxic disinhibition online effect on students who use social media Instagram. The measuring instrument used is the Toxic Disinhibition Online Effect Scale and the Self-concept scale. The population in this study were students using Instagram. The research methods is a quantitative method. This research was conducted for twelve months, where it was found that out of 170 students, more than half (51,23%) had a positive self-concept. Based on the results of statistical tests the significance values is 0.200. The significance value in this study is greater than 0.05 with a correlation value of -0.065. Based on this, it can be concluded that there is no relationship between self-control and toxic disinhibition online effect, so it is recommended that students who have a positive self-concept should maintain the frequency, duration, and intensity of social media use as a form of prevention so that there is no toxic disinhibition online effect.


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Nugraha, R. G. ., Rahmani, K., Indrianie, E., & Aliifah, D. N. . (2022). Correlation Between Self Concept and Toxic Disinhibition Online Effect on University Students Who Use Social Media Instagram. Humanitas (Jurnal Psikologi), 6(1), 37–48.


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