Stress Management Strategies for Social Workers by Using Brain Respiration

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Efnie Indrianie


This study aims to determine how effectively Brain Respiration reduces stress levels in social workers. This study uses the Quasi-Experimental method and purposive sampling as the sampling technique. 30 social workers participated in this study.  15 participants became experimental group participants, and 15 others became control group participants. Biofeedback tools were used to measure the degree of stress through electrodermal activity (EDA). The analysis used was Wilcoxon and Mann-Whitney nonparametric statistics. The analysis showed a difference in the degree of stress, namely a decrease in the degree of stress in social workers in the experimental group after using Brain Respiration (T-count = 6 and T-table = 25). Brain Respiration can reduce stress in social workers when comparing the degree of stress of the experimental and control groups (U-count = -34.5, and U-table = 70). The conclusion is that Brain Respiration can minimize the degree of stress in social workers.


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How to Cite
Indrianie, E. (2023). Stress Management Strategies for Social Workers by Using Brain Respiration. Humanitas (Jurnal Psikologi), 7(3), 389–404.


Ahmad, M., Maon, S. N., & Aziz, N. I. S. A. (2018). The Relationship Between Job Stress and Quality of Life Among Working Adults. Proceedings of the 2nd Advances in Business Research International Conference, 261–270.

Aiello, E. N., Gramegna, C., Esposito, A., Gazzaniga, V., Zago, S., Difonzo, T., Maddaluno, O., Appollonio, I., & Bolognini, N. (2022). The Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA): updated norms and psychometric insights into adaptive testing from healthy individuals in Northern Italy. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 34(2), 375–382.

Analayo, B., Steffens-Dhaussy, C., Gallo, F., & Scott, D. (2022). Energy Practices and Mindfulness Meditation. Mindfulness, 2705–2713.

Astuti, D. A., Kurniati, N., & Ardina, M. (2022). Upgrading Wawasan Bagi Kade Keliling Anti HIV AIDS Era Pandemi (Wader Lahap). Community Services & Social Work Bulletin, 2(1).

Beer, O. W. ., Philips, R., Stepney, L., & Quinn, C. R. (2020). The Feasibility of Mindfulness Training to Reduce Stress among Social Workers: A Conceptual Paper. The British Journal of Social Work, 50(1).

Cho, Y., Joo, J. M., Kim, S., & Sok, S. (2021). Effects of meridian acupressure on stress, fatigue, anxiety, and self-efficacy of shiftwork nurses in south korea. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(8).

Crawford, E. L., Prince, J., Ed, D., Larick, K., Ed, D., Howley, D., & Ph, D. (2019). Examining the Effects of Brain Education on Employee Stress Management , Work Performance , Relationships , and Well-being A Dissertation by Irvine , California School of Education Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doc. April.

Demartoto, A. (2019). Intervensi Perubahan Perilaku Kesehatan Orang Dengan Hiv/Aids (Studi Kasus Pada Kelompok Dukungan Sebaya Solo Plus Di Surakarta). Jurnal Analisa Sosiologi, 8(1), 1–17.


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Fakhri, N., Fuad, M., Yunus, R., Nurjannah, M. A., & Akbar, M. R. (2021). Pelatihan Pengembangan Kemampuan Dasar Pertolongan Awal terhadap Stres Negatif pada Pekerja Sosial UPT PPSKW Mattiro Deceng Kota Makassar. IPTEK: Jurnal Hasil Pengabdian Masyarakat, 1(1), 57–62.

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Hakim, M. Z. (2019). Model Pelayanan Rehabilitasi Sosial Orang dengan HIV di Indonesia. Jurnal Ilmu Kesejahteraan Sosial Humanitas, 1(1).

Hayes, S., Lampi, M., & G.K, L. (2007). Brain Respiration Building a Better Brain. Clark County Scholl District.

Herbert, T. B., & Cohen, S. (1993). Stress and immunity in humans: A meta-analytic review. Psychosomatic Medicine, 55(4), 364–379.

Huang, Y., Luo, D., Chen, X., Zhang, D., Huang, Z., & Xiao, S. (2020). Hiv-related stress experienced by newly diagnosed people living with hiv in china: A 1-year longitudinal study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(8).

Indrianie, E. (2021). Brain Respiration to Overcome Stress People Who Live with HIV (ODHIV). Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Emerging Issues in Humanity Studies and Social Sciences.

Indrianie, E. (2023). Brain Respiration untuk Mengatasi Stres pada Ibu yang Work From Home (WFH). Humanitas (Jurnal Psikologi), 7(1), 47–64.

Jiang, S., Jiang, C., & Cheng, Y. (2023). Working Overtime in Social Work Settings: Associations with Burnout, Person-organization Value Congruence and Turnover Intentions among Chinese Social Workers. Taylor & Francis, 47(1).

Klein, P., Picard, G., Baumgarden, J., & Schneider, R. (2017). Meditative Movement, Energetic, and Physical Analyses of Three Qigong Exercises: Unification of Eastern and Western Mechanistic Exercise Theory. Medicines, 4(4), 69.

Kristianingrum, N. D., Kartika, A. W., Hayati, Y. S., Kumboyono, K., & Puspitarini, N. A. (2022). the Roles of Cadre As a Support Group for People Who Living With Hiv/Aids. Caring Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat, 2(1), 9–16.

Krohne, H. . (2002). Analysis of a Resonant Converter Controlled by Triac. Int Encyclopedia of the Social Behavioral Sceinces.

Lee. (2002). Brain Respiration. Making Your Brain Creative, Peaceful, Productive. Healing Society.

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Lusi, Triana; Agus, S. (2020). Peran Pekerja Sosial dalam Manajemen Kasus Penanganan Orang Dengan Human Immunodeficiency Virus di Balai Rehabilitasi Sosial ODH Bahagia Medan Role Of Social Workers In Management Case Of Handling People With Human Immunodeficiency Virus in The Social Reh. 1(2), 96–106.

Ma, X., Yue, Z. Q., Gong, Z. Q., Zhang, H., Duan, N. Y., Shi, Y. T., Wei, G. X., & Li, Y. F. (2017). The effect of diaphragmatic breathing on attention, negative affect and stress in healthy adults. Frontiers in Psychology, 8(JUN), 1–12.

Mahadewi, E. P., Heryana, A., & Hilmy, R. (2020). Peningkatan Kapasitas Penjangkauan Dan Pendampingan Penderita Hiv-Aids Yayasan Jpc. Jurnal IAKMI, 25–26.

Ogard-Repal, A., Berg, R. C., & Fossum, M. (2023). Peer Support for People Living With HIV: A Scoping Review. Health Promotion Practice, 24(1), 172–190.

Pavlov, C. (2022). Coping Styles and Depression in Working Mothers During Covid-19. 9(1).

Peinado, M., & Anderson, K. N. (2020). Reducing social worker burnout during COVID-19. International Social Work, 63(6), 757–760.

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Racine, V. (2020). The impact of stress on your mental health. Canadian Red Cross.

Shao, S., & Shao, Y. (2023). From a Deadly Disease to a Manageable Chronic Disease, HIV/AIDS Remains a Challenge for Mankind. Infectious Microbes and Diseases, 5(2), 41–43.

Shiju, Joy, A. T., Kumar, H., & Phadmanaban. (2023). Burnout Among HIV-AIDS Counsellors in Keralla : Individual and Organizational Factors. HIV Nursing, 23(3), 1121–1130.

Siegel, S. (1997). Nonparametric Statistic for Social Research. Gramedia.

Simanjuntak, J., Yunilisiah, Y., & Siregar, R. L. . (2021). Peran Yayasan Pesona Dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Hidup Orang dengan HIV/AIDS (ODHA) Yang Tergabung Dalam Kelompok Dukungan Sebaya (KDS) Rafflesia Support. Universitas Bengkulu.

Sovitriana, R., Avicenia, M. I. F., Santosa, A. J., & Endri, E. (2021). Mother ’ s Emotion Regulation Accompanying Children ’ s School from Home. Journal of Positive Psychology & Wellbeing, 5(4), 1473 – 1480.

Sudo, M., Costello, J. T., McMorris, T., & Ando, S. (2022). The effects of acute high-intensity aerobic exercise on cognitive performance: A structured narrative review. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 16(September).

Sugimoto, K., Kanai, A., & Shoji, N. (2009). The effectiveness of the Uchida-Kraepelin test for psychological stress : an analysis of plasma and salivary stress substances. BioPsychoSocial Medicine.

Ahmad, M., Maon, S. N., & Aziz, N. I. S. A. (2018). The Relationship Between Job Stress and Quality of Life Among Working Adults. Proceedings of the 2nd Advances in Business Research International Conference, 261–270.

Aiello, E. N., Gramegna, C., Esposito, A., Gazzaniga, V., Zago, S., Difonzo, T., Maddaluno, O., Appollonio, I., & Bolognini, N. (2022). The Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA): updated norms and psychometric insights into adaptive testing from healthy individuals in Northern Italy. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 34(2), 375–382.

Analayo, B., Steffens-Dhaussy, C., Gallo, F., & Scott, D. (2022). Energy Practices and Mindfulness Meditation. Mindfulness, 2705–2713.

Astuti, D. A., Kurniati, N., & Ardina, M. (2022). Upgrading Wawasan Bagi Kade Keliling Anti HIV AIDS Era Pandemi (Wader Lahap). Community Services & Social Work Bulletin, 2(1).

Beer, O. W. ., Philips, R., Stepney, L., & Quinn, C. R. (2020). The Feasibility of Mindfulness Training to Reduce Stress among Social Workers: A Conceptual Paper. The British Journal of Social Work, 50(1).

Cho, Y., Joo, J. M., Kim, S., & Sok, S. (2021). Effects of meridian acupressure on stress, fatigue, anxiety, and self-efficacy of shiftwork nurses in south korea. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(8).

Crawford, E. L., Prince, J., Ed, D., Larick, K., Ed, D., Howley, D., & Ph, D. (2019). Examining the Effects of Brain Education on Employee Stress Management , Work Performance , Relationships , and Well-being A Dissertation by Irvine , California School of Education Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doc. April.

Demartoto, A. (2019). Intervensi Perubahan Perilaku Kesehatan Orang Dengan Hiv/Aids (Studi Kasus Pada Kelompok Dukungan Sebaya Solo Plus Di Surakarta). Jurnal Analisa Sosiologi, 8(1), 1–17.


Ellwanger, J. H., Kulmann-Leal, B., Ziliotto, M., & Chies, J. A. B. (2023). HIV Infection, Chromosome Instability, and Micronucleus Formation. Viruses, 15(1), 155.

Etikan, I. (2016). Comparison of Convenience Sampling and Purposive Sampling. American Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics, 5(1), 1.

Faijah, A. S., & Sulastri, S. (2022). Peran Case Manager Dalam Permasalahan Orang Dengan Hiv/Aids. Pekerjaan Sosial, 21(1), 1–12.

Fakhri, N., Fuad, M., Yunus, R., Nurjannah, M. A., & Akbar, M. R. (2021). Pelatihan Pengembangan Kemampuan Dasar Pertolongan Awal terhadap Stres Negatif pada Pekerja Sosial UPT PPSKW Mattiro Deceng Kota Makassar. IPTEK: Jurnal Hasil Pengabdian Masyarakat, 1(1), 57–62.

Graziano, & Raulin. (2019). Research Methods, A Process of Inquiry. Pearson Education.

Hadi, Y., Azaria, T., . P., Putrianto, N. K., Oktiarso, T., Ekawati, Y., & Noya, S. (2020). Analisis Kenyamanan Termal Ruang Kuliah. Jurnal METRIS, 21(01), 13–26.

Hakim, M. Z. (2019). Model Pelayanan Rehabilitasi Sosial Orang dengan HIV di Indonesia. Jurnal Ilmu Kesejahteraan Sosial Humanitas, 1(1).

Hayes, S., Lampi, M., & G.K, L. (2007). Brain Respiration Building a Better Brain. Clark County Scholl District.

Herbert, T. B., & Cohen, S. (1993). Stress and immunity in humans: A meta-analytic review. Psychosomatic Medicine, 55(4), 364–379.

Huang, Y., Luo, D., Chen, X., Zhang, D., Huang, Z., & Xiao, S. (2020). Hiv-related stress experienced by newly diagnosed people living with hiv in china: A 1-year longitudinal study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(8).

Indrianie, E. (2021). Brain Respiration to Overcome Stress People Who Live with HIV (ODHIV). Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Emerging Issues in Humanity Studies and Social Sciences.

Indrianie, E. (2023). Brain Respiration untuk Mengatasi Stres pada Ibu yang Work From Home (WFH). Humanitas (Jurnal Psikologi), 7(1), 47–64.

Jiang, S., Jiang, C., & Cheng, Y. (2023). Working Overtime in Social Work Settings: Associations with Burnout, Person-organization Value Congruence and Turnover Intentions among Chinese Social Workers. Taylor & Francis, 47(1).

Klein, P., Picard, G., Baumgarden, J., & Schneider, R. (2017). Meditative Movement, Energetic, and Physical Analyses of Three Qigong Exercises: Unification of Eastern and Western Mechanistic Exercise Theory. Medicines, 4(4), 69.

Kristianingrum, N. D., Kartika, A. W., Hayati, Y. S., Kumboyono, K., & Puspitarini, N. A. (2022). the Roles of Cadre As a Support Group for People Who Living With Hiv/Aids. Caring Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat, 2(1), 9–16.

Krohne, H. . (2002). Analysis of a Resonant Converter Controlled by Triac. Int Encyclopedia of the Social Behavioral Sceinces.

Lee. (2002). Brain Respiration. Making Your Brain Creative, Peaceful, Productive. Healing Society.

Lufityanto, G., Rahapsari, S., & Kamal, I. (2020). Identifikasi Stress Terhadap Perubahan Melalui Pengukuran Kognitif Dan Respon Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal. Jurnal Psikologi Integratif, 7(2), 77.

Lusi, Triana; Agus, S. (2020). Peran Pekerja Sosial dalam Manajemen Kasus Penanganan Orang Dengan Human Immunodeficiency Virus di Balai Rehabilitasi Sosial ODH Bahagia Medan Role Of Social Workers In Management Case Of Handling People With Human Immunodeficiency Virus in The Social Reh. 1(2), 96–106.

Ma, X., Yue, Z. Q., Gong, Z. Q., Zhang, H., Duan, N. Y., Shi, Y. T., Wei, G. X., & Li, Y. F. (2017). The effect of diaphragmatic breathing on attention, negative affect and stress in healthy adults. Frontiers in Psychology, 8(JUN), 1–12.

Mahadewi, E. P., Heryana, A., & Hilmy, R. (2020). Peningkatan Kapasitas Penjangkauan Dan Pendampingan Penderita Hiv-Aids Yayasan Jpc. Jurnal IAKMI, 25–26.

Ogard-Repal, A., Berg, R. C., & Fossum, M. (2023). Peer Support for People Living With HIV: A Scoping Review. Health Promotion Practice, 24(1), 172–190.

Pavlov, C. (2022). Coping Styles and Depression in Working Mothers During Covid-19. 9(1).

Peinado, M., & Anderson, K. N. (2020). Reducing social worker burnout during COVID-19. International Social Work, 63(6), 757–760.

Pop-Jordanova, N., & Pop-Jordanov, J. (2020). Electrodermal Activity and Stress Assessment. Prilozi, 41(2), 5–15.

Racine, V. (2020). The impact of stress on your mental health. Canadian Red Cross.

Shao, S., & Shao, Y. (2023). From a Deadly Disease to a Manageable Chronic Disease, HIV/AIDS Remains a Challenge for Mankind. Infectious Microbes and Diseases, 5(2), 41–43.

Shiju, Joy, A. T., Kumar, H., & Phadmanaban. (2023). Burnout Among HIV-AIDS Counsellors in Keralla : Individual and Organizational Factors. HIV Nursing, 23(3), 1121–1130.

Siegel, S. (1997). Nonparametric Statistic for Social Research. Gramedia.

Simanjuntak, J., Yunilisiah, Y., & Siregar, R. L. . (2021). Peran Yayasan Pesona Dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Hidup Orang dengan HIV/AIDS (ODHA) Yang Tergabung Dalam Kelompok Dukungan Sebaya (KDS) Rafflesia Support. Universitas Bengkulu.

Sovitriana, R., Avicenia, M. I. F., Santosa, A. J., & Endri, E. (2021). Mother ’ s Emotion Regulation Accompanying Children ’ s School from Home. Journal of Positive Psychology & Wellbeing, 5(4), 1473 – 1480.

Sudo, M., Costello, J. T., McMorris, T., & Ando, S. (2022). The effects of acute high-intensity aerobic exercise on cognitive performance: A structured narrative review. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 16(September).

Sugimoto, K., Kanai, A., & Shoji, N. (2009). The effectiveness of the Uchida-Kraepelin test for psychological stress : an analysis of plasma and salivary stress substances. BioPsychoSocial Medicine.