Building Jakarta’s Identity Through Plus Jakarta: City of Collaboration Campaign

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Galuh Mawarni Matahariputri
Alvanov Zpalanzani Mansoor
Dody Achmad Nawawi


With the increasing intensity of urban competition, city branding strategies are becoming more widely adopted by major cities around the world, including Jakarta. Despite experiencing political turbulence, the Plus Jakarta City of Collaboration campaign is considered a breakthrough amongst other Indonesian city brands. The aim of this study is to question the success of the campaign to Anholt’s city branding hexagon theory using explanatory research and qualitative approach. This theory discusses six variables that create a successful city branding: presence, place, potential, pulse, people, and prerequisite. The study concludes that Plus Jakarta have succeeded in variables people and prerequisite and have shown efforts towards the other variables but have yet to succeed in them due to its short lifespan and having no support from the current government as stakeholder.


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How to Cite
Matahariputri, G. M., Mansoor, A. Z., & Nawawi, D. A. (2024). Building Jakarta’s Identity Through Plus Jakarta: City of Collaboration Campaign. Serat Rupa Journal of Design, 8(1), 37–50.


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